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Legal Notice

In accordance with Digital Economy Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 applicable in France, we inform you of the following:

This website is the property of SPHERING GROUP, owned and represented by Participation Gestion Developpement Industriel (PGDI) a limited company (Société anonyme) with a capital of 4 520 100,00 euros, with its registered office located at  9 rue des Frères Sizaire 35230 Noyal-Châtillon-Sur-Seiche, registered in the Commercial and Corporations Register of Paris under the number  409 176 880.

Legal Director: Monica JONCOUX
Publication Director: Charlène SALMON


This Site has been registered with the CNIL, France’s data protection authority, in accordance with the country’s Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties Law no. 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, amending Law no. 78-17 relating to information technology, data and civil liberties, as amended. The Site is governed by French law. Visitors accessing the Site from outside France must ensure it is in compliance with locally applicable laws. Since the legal notices may be changed at any time, without notice, we advise you to read them regularly.

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